News: Community, Events, Exhibitions, Indigenous

Vivid Ideas event & Indigenous art–microscopy exhibition

The AMMRF, rebranding to Microscopy Australia, is proud to announce that we will be hosting a Vivid Ideas event in conjunction with the Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences (MAAS) on June 7 at 6.00pm.

Entitled, 60,000 years of tradition meet the microscopic world – making connections for STEM Ed, this talks and in-conversation-style event will immediately precede the preview and launch of our microscopy–Aboriginal art exhibition, Stories and Structures – New Connections. Three highly respected speakers, Djon Mundine, Misty Jenkins and Bruce Pascoe will address themes around the role of scientific images and Indigenous art in  explaining the world and shaping our knowledge; how Western science can gain a greater appreciation of the value of incorporating an Indigenous scientific perspective; and why it is so important to encourage Indigenous youth to study and take up careers in science. There will then be the opportunity to see the exhibition, meet the artists, speakers and scientists, while enjoying refreshments in the magnificent Turbine Hall at the Powerhouse Museum.

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March 29, 2018