Acknowledge Us

To keep supporting research, we need to track research outcomes.

Acknowledging Microscopy Australia in presentations, posters and papers is evidence that major investment in microscopy and microanalysis equipment and experts has delivered important outcomes. This helps us to make the case for future investments to support world-leading research in Australia. Help us, help you!

In posters and presentations please use our logo. In publications please use the text acknowledgement. Download both below.


“The authors acknowledge the instruments and expertise of Microscopy Australia at the [name of facility], [name of University or Institution], enabled by NCRIS, university, and state government support.”

Example: The authors acknowledge the instruments and expertise of Microscopy Australia at the Advanced Imaging Precinct, Australian National University, enabled by NCRIS, university, and state government support.

Optionally, you can add Microscopy Australia's Research Organization Registry ID in brackets:

Example: The authors acknowledge the instruments and expertise of Microscopy Australia (ROR ID: at the Advanced Imaging Precinct, Australian National University, enabled by NCRIS, university, and state government support.
