News: Community, NSW

Self-portraits in the SEM

Self-portraits are a familiar form of artistic expression but one Sydney artist, known only as SWPA, has been approaching the idea somewhat differently. By using the AMMRF at the University of Sydney he has created images of parts and products of his own body in the scanning electron microscope (SEM). An exhibition of the works was displayed at the Verge Gallery at the University, intriguing many visitors who were completely unfamiliar with the world of microscopy.

Of his use of SEM the artist said, “the exciting thing about microscopy is the unexpected nature of discovery. By doing research, one can get an idea of the surface topography, however once on the microscope everything changes; worlds are discovered within worlds. Shifting your field of view slightly or changing magnification can present a vastly different landscape, scenes that no level of pre-visualisation could reveal or predict.â€?

October 10, 2012