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Microscopy Australia 2019 Annual Workshop

In October we brought together over 100 people from Microscopy Australia’s facilities around the country to exchange ideas, experience and to plan for our future.

A great session on the first morning was one where each facility presented on what they feel they do best. This highlighted the many and varied strengths of Microscopy Australia’s facilities and the innovative ways they are improving their services.

Managing and sharing data continues to present a major challenge. Dr Paula Andre Martinez of the National Imaging Facility spoke about implementing FAIR data principles, and the Microscopy Australia data and informatics team presented on advancements we are making in this area.

In an industry focussed session, two of Microscopy Australia’s industry clients, Graphene Manufacturing Group and WearOptimo™ spoke about their experiences and answered questions on effective ways of building relationships with industry clients, their needs, and how they differ from academic users.

With so many expert microscopists of different specialisations in one place the chance was taken to work on developing more detailed and improved content for our online training tool, MyScope, used around the world by over 150,000 people each year.

Other sessions covered strategic planning goals, upcoming technologies, essential expertise, international engagement and innovation activities.

The Annual Workshop provided a fantastic forum to exchange knowledge and strengthen relationships between different Microscopy facilities around Australia. Thank you to everyone who contributed.


November 7, 2019