News: Community, NSW

European Commissioner visits the AMMRF

In March this year Ms Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Union Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science visited the headquarters of the AMMRF at the University of Sydney with a delegation of several European advisors. The aim of the visit was to establish a bilateral relationship with Australia and to learn from Australia’s successful strategy in the provision of research infrastructure.

The AMMRF, the Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF) and the Integrated Marine Observing System had been selected by the Commonwealth Department of Innovation, Industry, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) to showcase the achievements of highly successful Australian collaborative research infrastructure.

The AMMRF was Ms Geoghegan-Quinn’s first port of call during her three-day visit to Australia. She listened to presentations by Prof. Simon Ringer, Executive Director and CEO of the AMMRF and Ms Rosie Hicks, CEO of ANFF, on the nature of the infrastructure and the breadth of research that our organisations can enable. She engaged in a wide-ranging round-table discussion session with AMMRF and ANFF staff and DIISRTE officials. Ms Geoghegan-Quinn clearly recognises that the distributed collaborative network, that is so effective in Australia, is an excellent model for the EU research environment. Later, during an innovation and commercialisation showcase she met leading Australian researchers, including several high-profile AMMRF users. She also met for discussions with the Minister and Australia’s Chief Scientist.

The AMMRF is also engaging directly with the European research community through the recent formalisation of a Collaborative Framework with EuroBioImaging.

Of the meeting Ms Geoghegan-Quinn said, �The work that is being undertaken here at the AMMRF is an excellent example of the importance of creating critical mass in key technologies, which is crucial to enable us to respond globally to the grand challenges facing the planet.�

Prof. Simon Ringer said �We were very pleased that the Commissioner was able to visit the AMMRF. We have a vision to develop collaborative links with EU infrastructure that will be beneficial for both Australian and European researchers. The visit brings us significantly closer to realising this vision.�

His Excellency Mr David Daly, Australian Ambassador to the EU, Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn, Prof. Simon Ringer, AMMRF and Ms Rosie Hicks, ANFF.


October 22, 2012