Visualised using X-ray microtomography by Dr Jeremy Shaw, University of Western Australia and A/Prof. Allan Jones, University of Sydney.
Size: the green area is about 1 millimetre wide.
Visualised using atom probe tomography by Dr Gang Sha and Dr Baptiste Gault, University of Sydney.Size: sample is 150 nanometres high.
Visualised using X-ray microtomography by Tim Burykin and Prof. John Crawford at the University of Sydney. The whole sample is 1 cubic millimetre in size.
Visualised using electron tomography by Garry Morgan, Charles Ferguson and Prof. Rob Parton, University of Queensland. Size: each caveola is approximately 50 nanometres in diameter.
Visualised using X-ray microtomography by Tim Burykin, Prof. John Crawford, A/Prof. Margaret Barbour and Elinor Goodman, University of Sydney. Size: the scanned areas are both 220 micrometres wide.
Visualised using differential interference microscopy by Dr Sandra Fok and Dr Lilian Soon, University of Sydney. Size: the field of view is 70 micrometres wide.
Visualised using 3D electron microscopy by Dr Jonas Wolff, Macquarie University and Dr Minh Huynh, University of Sydney. Size: the attachment complex is approximately 300 micrometres in diameter.
Visualised using X-ray microtomography by A/Prof. Allan Jones, University of Sydney. Size: the ant is 3.8 mm long